Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas with family

Wow what an amazing 4 days this has been- whewwww. Good to know tomorrow is Christmas! We have had such a great time- First we had all of Christians wild and fun family over for lots of good food - (2 15# turkeys were on the menu), salad, potato au gratin al la Randy :) dessert a la Britty Britt and Cranberries and sushi (!) via Grandma flowers and treats from Finn and the kids and cousins (Ok, young adults- wow are they ever growing up- Fia and Sebastian did such a great job and we are so proud of them) along with a table full of crackers, Breads/rolls etc. Let’s just say we had full tummies by the end of the night! We were also blessed to have our dear friend Andria and her family here- what a delight that was- she set up a “cookie station” with all (ALL) of these sugar cookies and icings and topping so the kids could decorate and eat and share too! I never knew ho wmuch our little one liked cookies! They had such a great time and I think Christopher may have fallen in love. Kyra was giving him a little sparkle in his eye and I happened to walk into the family room and there she was sitting on a chair and he was standing between her chair and another chair looking at her and I could just see she was giving him a talking to (she’ s 4 mind you). So I walked up and leaned down and said “you know Kyra, he just really likes you so much” and she flashes me the biggest grin and said I know, but he keeps squeezing my toes!! How precious is that! I just have to say, God so blessed us with these cute little ones. So we had a great day into the night, filled with lots of laughter and Christmas Carols- I had no idea that Finn and Christian had talked prior and Finn had everything printed up (9 pages!!!) of songs- we got lots of video...and laughs for everyone. Christopher we must say did great- he loved having his cousins here and just getting loved up and doted on.... yes we'll have your children any time! No nap but he did great and fell into a deep sleep on daddy's chest when the door finally shut :) It was one of those moments that is so precious you just have to get your camera and then.... your chip is full! Daddy reminded me that is when you take a picture in your minds eyes that just makes you smile. This will be a good memory of it!

So that leads to Tuesday with the kids ☺ (I’ll post more on that later!) and tonight with my side of the family! (again, I’ll post more later since it is 3:28 a.m. Chirstmas morning! Who is the child here????). Let’s just say it has been action packed which leads us back to saying Thank you Jesus for coming and giving us life and giving it in abundance! Happy Birthday! Thank you for all the you did for us, all your doing, and all that you have yet to do! We love you so much, thank you Thank you. I for one am also grateful for getting to go back to a more “toned down” schedule ☺. …You know a few less parties and treats….!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Starting the Christmas Season off right....

What a wonderful night we had last night sharing the evening with our dear friends Laura and Peter Kent.  God really blessed us when he brought them into my life and then into our life as a was a divine appointment what seems like so many years ago.   Answered prayer in so many ways and such an amazing woman.  As always, Laura topped herself with an amazingly rich and fabulous dinner and cheesecake to boot!  Needless to say, we had planned on doing a "few things" while we were there and ended up doing none of it (!!!) except for laughing and having fellowship and of course all that good food!  Christopher made himself right at home which is quite the compliment- running up and down their long white hall and peering down into that long staircase that leads to "The Corners" Laura's new firm!  Then here were the beautiful silver bells that have been collected every year for about 25??? that they hang on the tree.  Just beautiful and Christopher loved them- along with Peters basketball hoop that Laura was gracious enough to bring upstairs for him!   Did I fail to mention the guys?  They were great as always and making sure that Christopher wasn't getting himself into too much fun! It was also great that Rocky the super dog was there visiting and Christopher got to feed him his"greenies" and we even got to see and eat with Ashley who was home from college!   What a night- needless to say we were sent off with some great coffee and got home around midnight!  Ahhhh, to have such great friends.  We  look forward to seeing you  guys again soon and have a great time in Yosemite this weekend!  And we can't wait to get the new Christmas card!  We love you guys- lots!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Seattle Workshop

Wow, what an amazing weekend- who knew that I would meet so  many great women and learn so much about cameras and lighting and have such a great time!  I really was such a treat to go with Alison, my college friend and have a girls weekend!  Lucky for us we have such great husbands (did I say GREAT) to send us!  And did I mention the Grandparents?  They are truly the best- generous in every way. Our little angel was singing and dancing every time I called and handing the phone to Grandpa so he could get back to playing with Nana.  What a wonderful gift to be able to go and have such a great time and not have to worry a bit about how he was doing.  I must say though that Daddy and I were very (!!!) happy to see him and love him up when we got back.  For now, more picture taking which doesn't seem to be a problem around these parts!