Saturday, June 13, 2009

Nanna and Grandpa come to visit!!!

It is always (!!!) exciting whenever Nanna and Grandpa come to visit- his normal wakeup up is 7:30/8:00. Well today started with Christopher getting up at 6:20 and he had a huge smile on his face. When I asked him who was coming today of course he said Nanna (which he over-exagerates like he saying banana minus the ba part. It is pretty cute. I know when they get to the front door he is going to be delighted- I told him he is going to be getting lots of kiss’s from them today- we normally see them every 4-6 weeks on average and this is closer to 12 weeks- a long time. Heaven here on Earth- Thank you Jesus for Grandparents (among many other things). We love you!!

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